Mon 27 Jan
GO AHEAD!! Take a sip! Like a FINE WINE Better with age! Oklahomas Hottest & Most Experienced - 999
**** BEST BBW in TULSA and I will SHOW you how and WHY!! Limited time only $50 incall special !!! - 28
(Tulsa, Tulsa, okla)
stunning* * ex0tic playmate*
(Monterey, San Francisco, San Jose / South Bay, San Mateo, In your arms ;))
❌⭕️❌⭕️ WELL REVIEWED ❌⭕️❌⭕️ petite and busty blonde available now! 💟💟💟💟 - 22
(¯`v´¯) Y O U __ D E S E R V E __ T H E __ B E S T ´habla español - 22
(San Mateo, San Mateo incalls)
★ B O M B S H E L L ★ —— BRUNETTE BEAUTY —— ★ 100% REAL 100% SEXY ★ - 24
(Tulsa, Tulsa Outcalls Only)
Hott * * * Sexy * * * COUGAR/MILF * * * CUM & SEE me anytime for a stress relief and rejuvination!!
(downtown & all around)
Come See If I've Been Naughty or Nice this Year $150/incall Special Tonight- Lets get Cozy :) - 23
*★* CLa§§Y* ♡* EyE CaNdY *★EXOtIC CuTiE!* 100% Real!!* «»«» §OOOO«»«» §£XY!!! - 24
(Tulsa, Outcalls Only)
❤★❤★❤★ ★❤★ SEXY BLONDE ❤★❤★❤★ ★❤★ OUT CALL SPECIALS ❤★❤★❤★ ★❤★ - 25
SeXy • °o♥o°•2 AddiCtiNG Bootys• °o ♥o°• GeNtLeMaN's #1 ChOiCe • °o♥o°• - 23
(Portland, 99TH AND STARK)
🎯🎯REAL 100% ☔️☔️☰❤*☰☰ YOUNG Asian BABY☰Kelly☰❤*❤*☰Amy arrived today!☰❤*☰☰ - 24
(San Mateo, San Mateo/Foster City)
***SeXy BlUe EyEd BlOnDe*** $80 Incall Special ***Promise 2 be the BEST*** - 19
(Portland, Incall (Downtown))
******** AbSoLuTLy HoTT Ass BaBe ***** F *** Da ReST ChOOsE Da BeSt MiSS JeSSii 18 - 23
(All of Houston & Surrounding Areas)
BLOW out your week with KELLY. . . spend some time with me and get guaranteed satisfaction!!
(tulsa and surrounding)
🎀💄💗 SEXY GIRL NEXT D00R💋👙💕 READY N0W!! 24/7 🎀 100% real💋💄 SlENDER PlAYMATE💦
TRANNY💋REAL SHEMALE 💋 ❤ 👠 🎉 CELEBRATE👄 👠 🎉 ❤ Sexy👠 ❤💄 HoT 👄 Fully f👅 VERS 👄 Beauty 💋 - - 21
(Tulsa, Tulsa ok)
>>>>> * ALL AMERICAN GREEN EYED BOMBSHELL .. 36D- 24- 36 ..... INTERESTED? Cliiiiiick Here *
Beautiful BiG BOOty WitH NiCe CuRves&I;'ll MaKe YouR Toes CuRL!!100% FReak - 24
(Tulsa, incalls/outcalls tulsa area)
(:*¨ ☆ ¨*:) ~*~*~*100% REAL AND YOU WILL LEAVE WITH A SMILE!*~*~*~ (:*¨ ☆ ¨*:) - 25
AbsoulUTely Not ur GIrl nExT DooR~~No. 1 Choice~~ 100% NaTuRaL - 19
(45 south, league city, hobby,clearlake)
❤ (( Absolutely GORGEOUS LATINA )) ❤ (( Amanzing Body )) ❤ (( Sexy & Seductive )) ❤ - 22
💕❤❤ ❤New Hot. Hot .Young beautiful Asian girls Best 4159265933 ❤❤ 💕💕 - 20
(North Bay, San Francisco, San Francisco near Safeway on Market St., San Mateo, San Rafael)
SEDUCTIVE EYES, gorgeous body, flirty, passionate and playful! - 19
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In town)
_-_- Sexy Busty College Cutie with a bootie.. Look inside. off 185th tanasbourne area - 22
6 0 q.k/ 8 0 half - F U N * * W I T H * * A *R E A L* H O T T I 6 0 q.k/ 8 0 half (AvAiLabL€ NoW!) - 21
(Tulsa, OUTALLS)
==☆100% REAL and HERE for YOUR pleasure! BEST AROUND, let ME prove IT!! $80☆== - 19
(Tulsa, Tulsa and surrounding areas)
Hello gentlemen my name is Mya call me 408-634-8905 - 20
(San Mateo, San Mateo, San Jose, Bure,East Bay)
A - T - L - A - N - T - A ++ B - O - O - T - Y ++ I - N ++ H - O - U - S - T - O - N - 21
(610s / 59s / beltway8)
*¨¨*·-:¦:-·* __S__E __X__Y__ *¨¨* (( *120 -160*)) *¨¨* __E__B__O__N__ Y__ *·-:¦:-·*¨¨* - 18
(Portland, *Incall & Promt Outcall*)
Gorgeous Blonde -♥- Marissa Is In The Penninsula! -♥- NOW! Incall - 25
(Burlingame, Belmont In Call Only)